Police Seek Information Identifying Potential Kidnapping Victim and Suspects

Hawai’i Island police are requesting public assistance in identifying a potential kidnapping victim and three suspects.

On July 7, officers responded to a Hilo shopping center for a report of an affray and determined that the victim had arrived at the location in a silver 2003 Honda Accord.

A short time later, an early 2000’s model white Toyota Tundra crew-cab pick-up truck arrived and parked behind of the Honda Accord. Three males exited the truck and approached the victim and began to assault him. The males then forced the victim into the back seat of the Tundra and left the area.

Although cellphone video of the incident was recovered, police are unable to identify the victim, suspects, or any of the vehicles. A check of the Honda’s license plate and vehicle identification number (VIN) did not produce any leads on identifying the victim or registered owner.

In photographs, the victim is depicted wearing a green t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers, while two of the kidnapping suspects are wearing black long-sleeved or hoody type tops and shorts. The other suspect is depicted wearing a black t-shirt and shorts.

Anyone with information on this incident is encouraged to contact Detective Kimo Keli’ipa’akaua of the Area I Criminal Investigation Section at (808) 961-2375, or via email at kimo.keliipaakaua@hawaiicounty.gov.


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